Change User Password
  • 30 Aug 2024
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Change User Password

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Article summary


Change password functionality is a user-side functionality where the user can change his password once he is logged in.

Steps to change password.
Step 1. Log in with your user account

Step 2. Click on “ CHANGE PASSWORD”.

  1.  In this field, you should add the password that you want to set as your new password.
  2.  It is the infotext for the password criteria, make sure your new password matches the criteria.
  3.  it is an update button to update the password. 

Step 3. Click on the Update button after adding your password in the “new password” and “confirm password” field.

Step 4. You will see a similar message once your password is successfully updated.

Alternatively you can change user password  from  manager side as well by editing the user info. 

please refer the following documentation : Edit Login User

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