Company code field should fetch form URL
  • 12 Aug 2024
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Company code field should fetch form URL

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Article summary


When we invite participants by email, we include a registration link in the email content. This link also contains the company code. by code and both registration company code field are automatically filled from the URL.

1. We have two screens for invite participant for registration one in Manage Edit participant screen and second in Communication = > Invite Participants screen (for more information refer this doc Manage-participant.

2. After invitation user will receive a mail with an invitation link attached company code, as mention below.

3. using that link user will redirect to registration page and company code field gets auto fill from the url.

4. The user has to fill out the other fields and hit the register button. If all the fields are filled out as required, the user will be redirected to the "Thank you page". 

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