December 2022
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December 2022

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Article summary

New Probench UI

Home page

In home page header their will be a Support button and drop down menu under the user name.

From manager login dropdown will be like as below image:


If they login as the user the dropdown of the menu will be like below image


Survey List

On home page survey list is present in that survey list we have 4 buttons which name as All,New,Open and Submitted.


All button displays the All surveys ex(Start,In Progress,Submitted)


Open button shows the only Inprogress status surveys

New button shows the only Start status surveys

Submitted button shows the only submitted status surveys




If the survey has scorecard then it will shows the show scorecard link by default

Registration process with verify step

This functionality is merging of confirm registration feature into new user registration. With this, the older standalone feature of confirm registraton would be removed from the site.

Added the 3rd step of user-registration to verify its unique code sent to users on their registered email address.
Note: The verification tab is only visible when a manager set requires email configuration to YES in the Probench Manager site.


Dynamic Table Question Type

  1. Dynamic table question type will allow showing table rows based on the selection of the multi select dropdown.
  2. No. of dropdown will be based on the template structure.
  3. Click here for complete detail about dynamic table.
  4. Following are the dynamic table recordings with both (single and double) dropdowns.

Dynamic table with single dropdown


Dynamic table with double dropdown


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