Example Emails
  • 03 Jul 2024
  • 14 Minutes to read
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Example Emails

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Article summary

Invitation Emails after Public Assessment

Example 1

Subject: Review Your 2024 [[Assessment Name]]
Dear Company,

We are pleased to advise that your company assessment for the 2023 Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare is complete.
We value your comments on the completeness and accuracy of company assessments prior to finalising scoring for the 2023 Benchmark and we now invite you to access your preliminary assessment reports via our secure online platform, Probench.

If you consider that evidence has been overlooked or misinterpreted, please indicate this using the Company Comments box directly in Probench. Here, you can also upload evidence that you believe should be taken into consideration. Only published information at the date of the assessment (this date appears on the Gateway Question page) will be taken into consideration.

The deadline for comments on your preliminary assessment is Friday 16th February 2024. Please be aware that we will not be able offer any extension to this review period.

Please note that we can only respond to comments that have been added to the Company Comments box on the platform. This means that we cannot respond to comments emailed to the BBFAW Secretariat.

However, if you have a general remark, or you need to speak to the BBFAW Secretariat team, please email secretariat@bbfaw.com.

Please note, all information remains confidential until the publication of the report on the 2023 Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare in April 2024.

How to access your company reports:

  1. If you have accessed the BBFAW Probench system before, please LOG IN. Your username is your company email address and your password and company code remain consistent with last year.
  2. If you are an existing user but have forgotten your password, click FORGOTTEN PASSWORD to get a temporary password emailed to you.
  3. If you are new to BBFAW, please REGISTER to gain access to the platform. You will need your unique company code which is: {{Code}}.

If you need to download your assessment to share with colleagues internally prior to uploading your comments, you can do so via ‘Click to download the document for entire assessment’ on the overview page. You can also click on the ‘Doc’ icons on the overview page for sharing individual pages if required.

Thank you for engaging with the BBFAW assessment process. We look forward to receiving your comments.

With kind regards,

Example 2

Subject: Review Your 2024 [[Assessment Name]]
Dear {{company_name}},

The 2023 CCLA Corporate Mental Health Benchmark Global 100+ final reports are now available.

To view your company’s assessment and our responses to any comments put forward, please log-in to the secure online platform, Probench. Please note individual company reports are for internal use only and your scores will remain confidential.

How to access your company reports:
If you have accessed the CCLA Probench system before, please LOG-IN. In the 'SUBMITTED' survey area, click on the link 'Show Reports'

If you are an existing user, but have forgotten your password, click FORGOTTON PASSWORD to get a temporary password emailed to you. Once logged in to the 'SUBMITTED' survey area, click on the link 'Show Reports'.

If you are a new user, please REGISTER to gain access to the platform. You will need your unique company code which is {{Code}}. Once logged in, you will see in the 'SUBMITTED' survey area, a link to 'Show Reports'.

CCLA Corporate Mental Health Benchmark Global 100+ Report

Today, 10th October 2023, the CCLA Corporate Mental Health Benchmark Global 100+ has been published in the form of a comprehensive report, available on the CCLA website.

Thank you for engaging with the CCLA corporate mental health assessment process.

Kind regards
The CCLA Corporate Mental Health Benchmark Team
For more information, please visit the CCLA website
For questions about the project, please email mentalhealth@ccla.co.uk
For technical support or Probench queries, please mental-health@chronossustainability.com

Example 3

Subject: New survey Start email
Dear {full_name} [[Participant Name]],

Welcome to XXXXXX [[Assessment Name]].

{company_name} has started filling the survey {survey_name}.

We hope you have a pleasant benchmarking experience. Should you require any further support, please contact our team at XXXXXX

Best Regards,

Support team

Invitation Emails after Self Assessment

Example 1

Subject: 2024 Materials Benchmark survey is now live!
Dear {{user_name}},

We are thrilled to announce that the 2024 Materials Benchmark survey is now live!

We invite you to log back into the Data Reporting Portal (Add link here) to begin with your 2024 survey, which has been prefilled for unchanged questions. Kindly note that evidence in the form of attachments did not carry over from the 2023 survey.

If you need to add any additional colleagues as "new users", please have a look at this video showing how to manage users in your data reporting portal (Add link here) (from 1 minute 45 seconds).

Open the 2024 survey:

A. Find the 2024 Materials Benchmark survey in the “new” tab to begin.

B. If you are a Fashion Pact Signatory, in addition to “A” please complete “The Fashion Pact 2024” as indicated below. Please review The Fashion Pact Overview Guide (Add link here) for further details and information.

C. If you are a signatory to the Deforestation-Free Call to Action for Leather (Add link here), please note that you are required to complete the associated module, and report on your bovine leather uptake volumes on Section 2 - Materials Portfolio of the Materials Benchmark survey.


Please note the 2024 Materials Benchmark survey is open from April 1st to June 7th. We request all participants to keep to the given timeframe and plan their data submission accordingly. ⚠️ However, in case of any concerns please reach out to the team as soon as possible.


Please refer to this one-pager Materials Benchmark Toolkit (Add link here) – with details and links to all useful resources and guides.    
Before submission, we encourage you to take advantage of the Indicative Score feature. This allows you to confidentially preview your scores for each completed section. Have a look to the instructions here (Add link here).

Support Calls:

We invite you to join our weekly Support calls (Add link here) running every Thursday from April 11th to June 6th at 4PM CET. These Support calls are themed to cover specific topics each week, followed by open and informal discussion, query solving, and more.

Stay updated via the Hub:

Please join our Materials Benchmark Community (Add link here) to post your questions and to stay updated with all Benchmark-related updates, announcements, resources and events.

For any further queries or support, please write to us at Benchmark@TextileExchange.org (Add link here)

Welcome back to an exciting year of benchmarking!

Best regards,

Materials Benchmark team

Example 2

Subject: New corporate child rights self-assessment tool!
Dear {{company_name}},
A good sustainability strategy is focused, evidence-based, action-orientated and starts with a child rights perspective. Why? Because if you get your business right for children, you also get it right for society.

Global Child Forum’s self-assessment tool is designed to help you map your company’s children’s rights risks and opportunities, compare your results against your peers and share your metrics within your organization.

Ready to launch the self-assessment tool? Click here (Add link here) and sign in with your unique company code: {{Code}}

Want to know more? Click here. (Add link here)
For 10 years, Global Child Forum has been benchmarking companies on a variety of children’s rights indicators with one goal -- to give companies the insights they need to drive positive change. Now, for the first time, we are making this methodology available to companies whom we have not benchmarked. With this compelling evidence, you can drive the change you need in order to achieve your sustainability goals and become a leader in your sector.

If you would like more information, please contact us at benchmark@globalchildforum.org (Add link here).

Best regards,

Global Child Forum

Example 3

Subject: Invitation by AsYouSow
Hi {{user_name}},

Time to test our self-assessment tool! To do so, you must first activate your Probench account.

Go to this website: https://asyousow.benchmarkingframework.com and click on "Register Now".

In the next step you need your unique code: {{Code}}

Contact me if you encounter any difficulties.

New Survey Notification Email

Example 1

Subject: New survey Start email
Dear {full_name},

Welcome to XXXXXX.

{company_name} has started filling the survey {survey_name}.

We hope you have a pleasant benchmarking experience. Should you require any further support, please contact our team at XXXXXX>

Best Regards,

Support team

Example 2

Subject: _New Survey Notification Email
Dear {full_name},

Welcome to XXXXXX.

{company_name} has started filling the survey {survey_name}.

We hope you have a pleasant benchmarking experience. Should you require any further support, please contact our team at XXXXXX>

Best Regards,

Support team

Example 3

Subject: Welcome to 2024 Materials Benchmark survey!
Dear  {full_name},

Survey - {survey_name}

Welcome to Textile Exchange's Data Reporting portal (Add your link here). Find key information below:

**2024 Materials Benchmark Survey, and The Fashion Pact Survey are now live for completion. **

Submission window is open from April 1 to June 07, 2024.

Please refer to this one-pager Materials Benchmark Toolkit  (Add your link here) – with details and links to all useful resources and guide.

We invite you to join our weekly Support calls  (Add your link here) running every Thursday from April 11th to June 6th at 4PM CET. These Support calls are themed to cover specific topics each week, followed by open and informal discussion, query solving, and more.

Please join our Materials Benchmark Community (Add your link here) to post your questions and to stay updated with all Benchmark-related updates, announcements, resources and events.

If you have any further questions, you may contact us at Benchmark@TextileExchange.org (Add your link here).

2024 Materials Market Report & Directory Survey is live throughout.

Submission is open throughout the year.

Further guidance and information will be provided to companies within the survey in Textile Exchange’s Data Reporting Portal.

If you have any further questions, you may contact us at MarketReports@TextileExchange.org (Add your link here).

Kind regards,  
Data Reporting team  
Textile Exchange

Example 4

Subject: _New ATNI Survey Notification Email
Dear {full_name},

Welcome to XXXXXX.

{company_name} has started filling the survey {survey_name}

We hope you have a pleasant benchmarking experience. Should you require any further support, please contact our team at XXXXXX>

Best Regards,

Support team

Notification Email To Assessor In case of Public Assessment

Example 1

Subject: _Notification Email To Assessor

{company_name} has added a comment on {survey_name} survey on {date}. Please check the attachment for the csv file with the details.

Thank you.

Confirmation Email on registeration

Example 1

Subject: _Confirmation Email
Welcome {first_name} {last_name}

Thank you for registering.

To confirm your email address, please click this link {confirmation_url} and enter the following details:

Email address: {email}

Code: {confirmation_key}

By confirming your email address you are also agreeing to the Terms and Conditions below

If you need any help with registering please contact us (Add link here).

Example 2

Subject: _Confirmation Email
Dear {first_name},

Thank you for registering with TE PFM Portal. Your registration is now complete for {username}.

You may now sign in to TE PFM Portal with the email and password entered at registration.

As first time user, you have been assigned an Organization Code {company_code}. Please use this code to create new users to your organization or update your organization profile.

Kind regards,

Support Team – Textile Exchange

Email on submitting the survey

Example 1

Subject: Your answers are registered!
Dear {company_name},

Thank you for participating in the Global Child Forum Self Assessment 2023. We hope you find this provides a helpful insight. If you'd like more help on how to improve in any of the highlighted areas, we have a range of resources available on our website (www.globalchildforum.org) (Add link here). We'd also be delighted to answer any questions you might have about areas for improvement with this service.

In the link below you can easily access the scorecard: {digital_scorecard_link}

You can also read more about the State of Children's Rights and Business 2023 and the key trends and findings, in our report published here: The State of Children’s Rights and Business 2023 (Add link here)

Please don't hesitate to reach out to our Corporate Engagement Manager, Sean O'Shea (sean.oshea@globalchildforum.org) (Add link here) if you need any further assistance.

With best regards,
Global Child Forum

Example 2

Subject: Submission Email
Dear {login},

Congratulations on completing the {survey_title}. Your survey has now been submitted for {company_name}.

The team will review your submitted survey shortly and will get back to you if any clarification is needed.

For any questions, please contact us at Benchmark@TextileExchange.org (Add link here)

Kind regards,

Materials Benchmark Team

Example 3

Subject: _Survey Submitted Email
Hi {login}

Thank you for completing TIDE on behalf of {company_name}!

You can download your feedback report by visiting the Your Reports (Add link here) section on home page and the results of this year's TIDEmark will be sent to you in June.

Your submission is visible in the TIDE system, under the 'Submitted' tab at the bottom of the introduction page.

If you have any questions about TIDE or your report, please speak to your Relationship Manager or email info@enei.org.uk (Add email address as a link here)

Kind regards

The enei team

Example 4

Subject: SPOTT - Survey Feedback Successfully Submitted

Dear {company_name} representative,

Your responses for {survey_title} were successfully submitted. If you submitted your responses before the cut off date for the consultation period, they will be considered in the review of your SPOTT assessment.

Best regards from the SPOTT team.

Cher(e) répresentant(e) de {company_name}

Vos commentaires sur le questionnaire {survey_title} ont bien été envoyés. Si vous avez soumis vos commentaires avant la fin de la période de consultation, ils seront pris en compte dans le cadre de la révision de votre évaluation SPOTT.


L'équipe SPOTT.

Example 5

Subject: FAIRR - Successfully Submitted
Dear {company_name} representative,

Your responses for {survey_title} were successfully submitted. We'll review the comments you left and determine if additional points can be awarded to your company.

Thank you for taking the time to review your assessment.

FAIRR Initiative Index Team

Example 6

Subject: Submission of TPO review
“Thank you for your comments on the {survey_title} assessment, we will review and make any required changes.”

Email on Unsubmitting the survey

Example 1

Subject: {survey_title} has been unsubmitted.
{company_name}'s entry of the {survey_title} has been unsubmitted.

Example 2

Subject: {survey_title} has been unsubmitted.
{company_name}'s entry of the {survey_title} has been unsubmitted.

test for unsubmit email by the 73bit team

Once testing is done this feature will be off.

Forgotten Password Email

Example 1

Subject: _Forgotten Password Email
Welcome {first_name} {last_name}

A temporary password has been created for your account. Please sign in using your username (your email address) and the password:

Once you sign in please change your password.

Please note that if you are now able to remember your original password this will still work.

Example 2

Subject: _Forgotten Password Email
Dear {first_name}

Your temporary password is {password_key}. Please use this password to sign in to Your Data Reporting Portal (Add link here). Please change your password in Update Profile after you sign in.

Should you recall your original password before resetting, you can continue to use your original password.

Kind regards, 
Data and Technology team 
Textile Exchange

Example 3

Subject: _Forgotten Password Email
Welcome {first_name} {last_name}

A temporary password has been created for your account. Please sign in using your username (your email address) and the password:

Once you sign in, please change your password using “CHANGE PASSWORD” link.

Please note that if you are now able to remember your original password still temporary password will work.

Different Reminder Email

Example 1

Subject: Probench: One of your live surveys has ended
Survey {{TITLE}} has ended on {{END_DATE}}.

If you like to extend the date forward,click below link to visit the survey:



Team 73bit

Example 2

Subject: SPOTT Assessment Deadline / Date butoir d'evaluation SPOTT
Dear all,

Thanks to all who have engaged with us during the SPOTT assessments.

We are writing with a short update. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact upon forestry operations worldwide, we are expanding the engagement period for all companies (both Batch 1 and Batch 2) until Friday 19th June. This will enable companies who have not yet replied to their SPOTT assessment to do so, and for companies who have already responded to further their dialogue with the SPOTT team, if necessary.

If you wish to set up a call with the SPOTT team in order to discuss your assessment, we would be very happy to set one up. Just reply to this email with your Skype address or phone number and a suitable time to set up a call.

With very best wishes,


Chers tous,

Merci à tous ceux qui se sont engagés avec nous lors des évaluations SPOTT.

Nous écrivons avec une courte mise à jour. En raison de la pandémie de COVID-19 et de son impact sur les opérations forestières dans le monde, nous prolongeons la période d'engagement pour toutes les entreprises (lot 1 et lot 2) jusqu'au vendredi 19 juin. Cela permettra aux entreprises qui n'ont pas encore répondu à leur évaluation SPOTT de le faire, et aux entreprises qui ont déjà répondu de poursuivre leur dialogue avec l'équipe SPOTT, si nécessaire.

Si vous souhaitez établir un appel avec l'équipe SPOTT afin de discuter de votre évaluation, nous serions très heureux d'en organiser un. Répondez simplement à cet e-mail avec votre adresse Skype ou votre numéro de téléphone et l'heure appropriée pour établir un appel.

Bien cordialement,


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