Import Participants
  • 19 May 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • PDF

Import Participants

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Article Summary


Import participant is a bulk import process to directly add participants from csv file.

Steps for Import Participant:

  1. To download the document format for participant import you need to selct the region for which your participant is filling the survey from
    Import Participant By Region and then click on download button.

  2. Modify the document for import participant:

  • First row is the header of the column require participant data to import and below that are the already imported participants.


  • On document DISPLAY_NAME ,INTERNAL_NAME and [REGION_ID or REGION_NAME] are mandatory fields.
  • If you want to update existing participant details then specify USER_ID or DISPLAY_NAME.
  • REGION (Particiant will see only the surveys for which region they are associated with.)you can specify REGION_NAME or REGION_ID.
  • Column IS_ACTIVE (Enables the participant to see and participate in surveys) : The value can be “TRUE” or “FALSE”
  • After that following are the optional details such as PRIMARY_CONTACT, PRIMARY_EMAIL and other participant field details.
  • Save the file with CSV(Comma delimited) format.
  1. Click on Browse and select modified csv file and click on import button.


Can the import CSV file only have the participants that I need to newly import or modify the details of?

Would I be able to change the details for the participants added under "Additional Information"?

What will happen if I leave the USER_ID field blank?

What if I want to have multiple Primary contacts for a participant?

Which field in the CSV represents the Company Code used at the time of registration?

Will the Company Code generate automatically if the column is left empty?

What if I do not have the RegionId and only have the Region Name? Will the system automatically get the RegionId?

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