- 20 Oct 2022
- 3 Minutes to read
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List of Dataset functions
- Updated on 20 Oct 2022
- 3 Minutes to read
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Function name | Formula | Help Notes |
AVERAGE | AVERAGE(value, *optional_grouping_value) | Calculate the average. If a second parameter is provided, create a sector average. |
CONCATENATE | CONCATENATE(value_field, grouping_field, *optional_separator, *include_self) | Return a string of the joined values of the field that share the value of the grouping field. The joined values are separated by a comma, or the value of *optional_seperator. |
CONTAINS | CONTAINS(value, search_for) | Returns the position of a search_for within the value. If 0 is returned it means search_for is not in your value. |
COUNT | COUNT(value, *optional_grouping_value) | Count the number that share this value. If a second parameter is provided, create a sector count. |
DATE_FORMAT | DATE_FORMAT(date_time, *optional_date_style) | Convert a date/time value to text. If no style is provided the British style is returned. |
DISPLAY_NAME | DISPLAY_NAME() | Returns the current display name for the participant |
DIVIDE | DIVIDE(numerator, denominator) | Special form of divide which returns NULL instead of a divide-by-zero error when the denominator is 0. |
FIRST_SUBMITTED | FIRST_SUBMITTED (*optional_instance_or_template_id, *optional_date_style) | The date the survey was first submitted. |
FILES_WITH_DETAILS | FILES_WITH_DETAILS (question_description, node_id, template_or_instance_id) | Returns the details (Name, Description, Link) of file/image/file attachments associated with the survey question. |
IF | IF(your_test_is_true, use_this_value, *else_use_this_value) | Conditional calculations. If you leave out the optional else_use_this_value, nothing is returned when the condition is false. |
IFBLANK | IFBLANK(value_to_check, default_value) | Returns a default value if the value to check is blank (nothing). |
IMPORT_TEXT | IMPORT_TEXT(dataset_title, dataset_field) | Import a text value from another dataset. |
IMPORT_VALUE | IMPORT_VALUE(dataset_title, dataset_field) | Import a numeric value from another dataset |
IS_MANAGER | IS_MANAGER() | Returns if user is manager |
LAST_RESPONSE_ON | LAST_RESPONSE_ON (*optional_instance_or_template_id, *optional_date_style) | The date the survey was submitted. |
LIST_AVERAGE | LIST_AVERAGE (<comma_separated_list_of_values>, <count_of_values_to_average_from>) | This function averages the comma separated values in first parameter based on the count entered in the second parameter. |
MAX | MAX(value, *optional_grouping_value) | Calculate the maximum. If a second parameter is provided, create a sector maximum. |
MEDIAN | MEDIAN (value, count, position, *optional_grouping_value) | Returns the median value, but you need to have already calculated the COUNT and POSITION, which you then provide to this function. |
MIN | MIN(value, *optional_grouping_value) | Calculate the minimum. If a second parameter is provided, create a sector minimum. |
MULTIPLY | MULTIPLY(firstNumber, secondNumber) | Multiply first number with second number. |
NTILE | NTILE(number_of_tiles, value, *optional_grouping_value) | Calculate the "n-tile" position. First parameter is how many divisions to have. The second parameter is what to sort the rows by. If a third parameter is provided, create a sector grouping. |
NUMBER_FORMAT | NUMBER_FORMAT(number) | Convert a number to text, comma-separating thousands. |
OCCURANCE_ PERCENT | OCCURANCE_PERCENT(value) | Calculate the percent of its occurance. The demical value will be rounded up. |
OCCURANCE _PERCENT_SECTOR | OCCURANCE_PERCENT_SECTOR (value,*optional_grouping_value) | Calculate the percent of its occurance by sector. The demical value will be rounded up. |
PARTICIPANT_FIELD | PARTICIPANT_FIELD(field_index) | Returns the value stored in the participant table. |
POSITION | POSITION(value, *optional_grouping_value) | The order this entry it compared to the other rows. (1, 2, 3,...) |
QUARTILE | QUARTILE(value, *optional_grouping_value) | Calculate the quartile position. If a second parameter is provided create a sector grouping. |
QUESTION_TEXT | QUESTION_TEXT (question_description, node_id, instance_id) | Returns the text of particular node |
QUINTILE | QUINTILE(value, *optional_grouping_value) | Calculate the quintile position. If a second parameter is provided create a sector grouping. |
RANK | RANK(value, *optional_grouping_value) | The rank of this entry compared to the other rows. (1 for 1st, 2 for 2nd, 3 for 3rd,...)
RESPONSE | RESPONSE(question_description, node_id, template_or_instance_id) | Returns the most recent response to the survey question.
ROUND | ROUND(number, *number_of_digits) | Returns a number rounded (up or down - whichever is closest to zero) to the accuracy specified by *number_of_digits |
ROUNDDOWN | ROUNDDOWN(number, *number_of_digits) | Returns a number rounded down (toward zero) to the accuracy specified by *number_of_digits |
ROUNDUP | ROUNDUP(number, *number_of_digits) | Returns a number rounded up (away from zero) to the accuracy specified by *number_of_digits |
ROW | ROW(value, *optional_grouping_value) | The number of the row of this entry compared to the other rows. (1 for 1st, 2 for 2nd, 3 for 3rd,...) |
SCORE | SCORE(question_description, node_id, template_or_instance_id) | Returns the most recent score to the survey question. |
STATUS_FLAGS | STATUS_FLAGS(question_description, node_id, template_or_instance_id) | Returns the most recent status flags to the survey question. |
SUBMITTED | SUBMITTED (*optional_instance_or_template_id, *optional_date_style) | The date the survey was submitted. |
SUBSTR | SUBSTR(string,startindex,length) | It substring's the string provided from startindex(1 for first position) to the length. |
SUM | SUM(value, *optional_grouping_value) | Calculate the sum. If a second parameter is provided, create a sector sum. |
SUM_SORT | SORT(value1, value2, value3, value4, value5) | Returns the SUM of top 3 highest values. |
SUM_SORT_STRING | SUM_SORT_STRING(COUNT,VALUES) | This function will Sort the value and then add the number of values mentioned in <Count> parameter and return the SUM of them. |
SURVEY_ID | SURVEY_ID() | The ID of the survey |
SURVEY_LIST _AVERAGE_BASED_ ON_INDEXES | SURVEY_LIST_AVERAGE_BASED _ON_INDEXES (<comma separated list of values>,<comma separated indexes>) | This function is used to get the average of values from first parameter present at the indexes mentioned in the second parameter. |
SURVEY_PROGRESS | SURVEY_PROGRESS(USER_ENTRY_ID) | Gives you survey completed percent |
TEMPLATE_ID | TEMPLATE_ID() | The ID of the survey template |
TEXT | TEXT(number) | Convert a number to text. |
TEXT_SPLIT | TEXT_SPLIT(text, split_character, number_to_return, *optional_join_character, *optional_skip_the_first_n) | Takes text, splits it using the split_character value (e.g. a comma, or a pipe ("|")) |
USER_EMAILS | SURVEY_GET_LOGINEMAILS _FROM_PARTICIPANT_ID() | This function is used to get the email id's of all logins for particular participants as comma seperated values.
USER_ENTRY_ID | USER_ENTRY_ID(instance_id) | Get the user_entry_id for a specific survey instance. |
VALUE | VALUE(text) | Convert text to a number. |
WHOLE_SCORE | WHOLE_SCORE (question_description, node_id, template_or_instance_id) | Returns the score of the checkbox and radio only |