Manage Content
  • 25 Apr 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Manage Content

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Article summary

Notes are shown to the end user or seen by end users in its format. Notes are of different types it can be contact, page intro, email message after registration etc. It is customizable by the managers rather than developers.

Notes List


  1. To see all notes that are active or inactive checkbox Show inactive notes.

  2. Use Search to find specific note in the list.

  3. To add new note click on ADD button.

  4. To edit any note click on Edit button.

  5. The Status icon would be tick only when you want to show that content on home page of your survey and would be exclamatory when that content should not be visible to users on their home page of the survey.

Add Notes



  1. Provide Headline to new note for reference of manager to find it or define it for specific purpose.

  2. The heading that is shown to end user for specific info is written in Teaser textbox.

  3. Enter the content in the Body textbox that should be displayed to end user.

  4. To make that note active check the checkbox Visible to survey users? so it will be visible to end users.

  5. Use numberings to arrange the note in order by providing it in Sort by field.

  6. To make visible to users for specific region select the Regions.

  7. To categorize it use Group field for specific purpose.

  8. To make it visible to end users provide specific text in Unique Reference so it will be visible at particular position to users.

  9. Click on Create button to create new note after providing all details.

  10. Click on Cancel button to abort the creation of note.

Edit Notes



  1. ID shows the unique identity of the note.

  2. Provide Headline to new note for reference of manager to find it or define it for specific purpose.

  3. The heading that is shown to end user for specific info is written in Teaser textbox.

  4. Enter the content in the Body textbox that should be displayed to end user.

  5. To make that note active check the checkbox Visible to survey users? so it will be visible to end users.

  6. Use numberings to arrange the note in order by providing it in Sort by field.

  7. To make visible to users for specific region select the Regions.

  8. To categorize it use Group field for specific purpose.

  9. To make it visible to end users provide specific text in Unique Reference so it will be visible at particular position to users.

  10. Click on Update button to save the changes after changing the details required.

  11. Click on Delete button to delete specific note.

  12. Click on Cancel button to abort the creation of note.

  13. Documentation of Manage Content

Unique referenceTypeHeading / Email SubjectWhen do we send and show particular email or information
_Confirmation EmailEmail_Confirmation EmailThis email will be sent when the registration confirmation is successful
_Forgotten Password EmailEmail_Forgotten Password EmailWhen the user forgot their password. They can click on the forgot password button from the sign-in page.
_Module Submitted EmailEmail_Module Submitted Email?
_New Account Awaiting Approval EmailEmail_New Account Awaiting Approval Email?
_New Account EmailEmail_New Account EmailThis email will be sent when a new user has registered.
_New Account Notice EmailEmail_New Account Notice EmailThis email will be sent when a new user has registered
_New Brochure EmailEmail_New Brochure EmailThis email will be sent on completing the survey.
_New Participant Activation EmailEmail_New Participant Activation EmailThis email will be sent when new Participant has been registered.
_New Survey EmailEmail_New Survey EmailThis email will be sent when survey start by user.
_On Add New User EmailEmail_On Add New User EmailThis email will be sent when new user added in Company.
_On User Activation EmailEmail_On User Activation EmailThis used to notify the user about login activation.
_Unsubmit Notification Email MsgEmail{survey_title} has been unsubmitted.This used to notify the user when survey has been unsubmitted.
_Survey Submitted Email ManagerEmail{survey_title} submittedThis used to notify the user when survey has been submitted.
Footer with un-subscription linkEmail /Un subscription linkFooter with un-subscription linkAbove message will be attached to every email sent from probench, with email subscription page link.
_New Participant Associated EmailEmailNew Participant Association?
_New Survey Notification EmailEmailNew survey Start emailThis email will be sent when survey start by user.
Confirm Failure ArticleSign inOops!This message will pop up when sign in registration does not confirm
cellEmail /Sign inParticipant codeParticipant code is sent to register with a respective participant in Probench tool
cellProbench ManagerProbench Managercell
SendSurveyEndedReminderEmailEmailProbench: One of your live surveys has endedThis email will be sent when live surveys have ended
SendSurveyEndingReminderEmailEmailProbench: One of your live surveys is about to endThis email will be sent when live surveys are about to end
ShareAPageEmailEmailShare PageThe system will send an email to your chosen recipient, which will include the parts of the survey sections that you want to share.
ConfirmSuccessArticleSign inSuccess!This message will be appeared when email address has been confirmed and ask to sign in in the system
RegisterThankYouArticlecellThank youThis message will be appeared when registration has been successfully done
_Survey Submitted EmailEmailThank you for your submissionThis email will be sent when survey has been submitted by company
FeedbackThankYouArticlecellThank you.This message will be appeared when feedback has been recorded successfully
SurveyCompleteArticleConfigYour survey is completeThis message will be appeared when survey has been submitted successfully

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