Manage Files
  • 11 Feb 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Manage Files

  • PDF

Article summary

Previously this item comes under Prepare > Files option.

File List


  1. Show files uploaded by users? : Check the checkbox to show the files that are uploaded by users.

  2. Show files marked as deleted? : Check the checkbox to show the files that are selected as deleted in its settings.

  3. Search : Search the filed by their names providing it in the search box.

  4. Add : Click on add icon to add the files.

  5. Edit : Click on edit icon to edit the file settings.

Add File


  1. Upload : Select the word document to save the data into it.

  2. Description : Write the description about the file.

  3. Visible to survey users? : Check the checkbox to make file visible to survey users.

  4. Mark file as deleted? : Check the checkbox to make the file as deleted for all users.

  5. Create : Click on create button to create the files.

  6. Cancel : Click on cancel button to discard the creation of files.

Edit File


  1. File name : Change the file name.

  2. Upload : Select the word document to save the data into it.

  3. Description : Write the description about the file.

  4. Storage Path : Change the storage path if you want to save it in other folder.

  5. Visible to survey users? : Check the checkbox to make file visible to survey users.

  6. Mark file as deleted? : Check the checkbox to make the file as deleted for all users.

  7. Group : Provide the group name or group.

  8. Update : After changes have made click on update button to save the changes.

  9. Delete : Click on delete button to delete the file.

  10. Cancel : Click on cancel button to cancel the editing of files.

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