May 2022
  • 27 Jun 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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May 2022

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Article summary

New Features Added

Added Table(All) question type


(i) We have added a question type which will help you select a answer for all the columns in a given row.
(ii) Enables to select a single answer for the row.
(iii) Supports checkbox, dropdown and custom dropdown.

How this works:
In this release we have added a new Question types Table(All) in survey template. We can use this question type on page level. The all assests checkbox is added after the last column in the table and in case of dropdown, the first column of the table is considered as all assets column.

Structure in template with Table(All) with checkboxes question type:

On survey Table(All) with checkboxes question type looks like:

Structure in template with Table(All) with dropdown question type:

On survey Table(All) with dropdown question type looks like:

Added Table(None) question type


(i) We have added a question type which will help you select a exclusive answer for the column in a table.
(ii) Enables to select a single answer for the column.
(iii) Gives exclusive functionality to the column of a table.
(iv) Supports checkbox, dropdown and custom dropdown.

How this works:
In this release we have added a new Question types Table(None) in survey template. We can use this question type on page level. The none checkbox is added where we specify a row with exclusive checkbox in the table.

Structure in template with Table(None) with checkboxes question type:

On survey Table(None) with checkboxes question type looks like:

Structure in template with Table(None) with dropdown question type:

On survey Table(None) with dropdown question type looks like:

Added Table(All+None) question type


(i) We have added a question type which is a combination of Table(All) and Table(None).
(ii) It enables you to select a single answer for the row as well as get an exclusive functionality for the column of the table.
(iii) Supports checkbox, dropdown and custom dropdown.

How this works:
In this release we have added a new Question types Table(All+None) in survey template. We can use this question type on page level. The all assests checkbox is added after the last column in the table and in case of dropdown, the first column of the table is considered as all assets column. The none checkbox is added where we specify a row with exclusive checkbox in the table.

Structure in template with Table(All+None) with checkboxes question type:

On survey Table(All+None) with checkboxes question type looks like:

Structure in template with Table(All+None) with dropdown question type:

On survey Table(All+None) with dropdown question type looks like:

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