October 2021
  • 01 Dec 2021
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October 2021

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Article summary

New Features Added

Flag individual indicators

There is often a need that during the conversation phase between "Analysts and Reviewers" or "Companies and Analysts" the you want to mark certain questions that needs to be addressed by both the parties. So for this cases bookmarking or flagging individual questions on the page with many questions becomes too critical and time saving. So to solve this problem we have extended our existing "Flag this page" functionlality to each individual questions.

Configurable progress doughnut

There is often a request to show progress on the Overview page for one survey while should not be visible for another survey. This is specifically for the clients who conduct Self Assessments as well as Public Assessments. They want it to be displayed for the Self Assessments but not for public assessments

Updates to participant list screen

As a part of this release we have modified the screens to provide some additional information about the participants progress on the list screen so that there should not be a need to move to different pages to get the same information.

What columns we added

  1. Show Progress: On click of the icon in the column you will get information about which surveys the participant responded to and how much did they complete along with their submission information.
  2. Assigned Groups: This column displays the number of groups / regions the participants is assigned to. Also on click of the number it will show you the list of regions this participant is assigned to.
  3. Status: This column show if the participant is active / inactive.


Updates to participant edit screen

As part of this release we tried to make the add/edit participants screen a bit more intuitive as the previous screen was very confusing with a lot of fields with no information about mandatory fields and rest of the fields. So now we have divided the screen into following 5 parts:

  1. Mandatory Fields: As the name suggests this fields contains all the fields that are mandatory
  2. Contact Information: Primary contact information to who the invitations will be sent
  3. Autogenerated Infomation: This information is autogenerated by the system so its just there for reference
  4. Additional Information: These section contains any additional information you want to store about the participants like Sector, Industry, Market Cap etc..
  5. Invite Participant: This section can be used in case you want to send invitiation to participants as soon as they are added or just send the individual invitations


Updates on survey list screen

As part of this feature again we have tried to provide a way for administrators to view the progress directly on the screen without being dependant on the datasets to get you the relavant information. So we have added following columns:

  1. Is Live: This column would give you the status on whether the survey is currently visible to the company users.
  2. Participants submitted: This column provides the number of participants submitted for the survey.
  3. Participants started: This column provides the number of participants started responding to the survey.


Show survey progress

As part of this release we added the complete statistics to understand the progress of the survey by individual participants.
We have added a action icon on survey list page as shown below

On click of this icon it takes you to the progress page which displays the list of participants responded to the survey along with their progress individually.


Exclude test companies from Dataset

Many times there have been cases when the users have asked us to remove the test participants from the output for which they had to write a complex formula. So to make it easy for the users we have now just added a new filter "Exclude test participants"

When this is added the test participants with "Test","Import", "73bit" in their name will be automatically removed from the datasets.

Include participants by submitted date in Dataset

Many times there have been cases when the users have asked us to only include participants using their submitted dates

This filter can check for the participants with submitted dates "between", "less than", "greater than", "less than or equal to", "greater than or equal to" only then it will be included in the output. So operations team help is no longer needed.

More controlled visibility of surveys for Administrators

As the team of administrators grows there is always a need to have a more control over access of various surveys to participants to the administrators. So as part of this release even the Administrators can be assigned to a group / regions so that they can only access the surveys that fall in their group which helps with additional security.

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