Feedback snippet
  • 20 Sep 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Feedback snippet

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Article summary


Feedback DatasetFields Formulas

***Overall_Score_Roadmap_Stage=TEXT(IF((Overall_Score_Original> 7.550),"Leader",IF((Overall_Score_Original> 5.049) AND(Overall_Score_Original<= 7.549),"Achiever", IF((Overall_Score_Original> 2.549) AND(Overall_Score_Original<= 5.049),"Improver"
,IF((Overall_Score_Original>= 0)AND(Overall_Score_Original <=2.549),"Beginner")))))


***Leader_Text="Your company has developed and implemented several policies and practices that address your organization’s impact on children’s rights across several important areas. Your company has taken concrete steps to move beyond policies and have embedded children’s rights into company practice, following-up through monitoring, transparent reporting and programmes to create action for children’s rights."

***Leader_Next_Action="The next step is to assess remaining gaps in your practice - see next page for more details on strengths and weaknesses across various areas -; maintaining and continuing to improve performance where you’re doing well, showing others the way, as you are a leader on children’s rights."
***Achiever_Salutation="Well done!"

***Achiever_Text="Your company has developed and implemented several policies and practices that address your organization’s impact on children’s rights. Your company realizes that while policies are important, in order to create change those policies need to be embedded into company practice, and followed-up on through monitoring, transparent reporting and programmes to create action for children’s rights."

***Achiever_Next_Action="The next step is to address remaining gaps in your practice - see next page for more details on strengths and weaknesses across various areas, strengthen and maintain performance where you’re doing well, and you will become a leader on children’s rights."

***Improver_Salutation="You’re getting there!"

***Improver_Text="Your company has developed and implemented some policies and practices that address your organization’s impact on children’s rights. Your company realizes that having policies in place and/or contributing to children’s rights through different initiatives is an important first step to show commitment."

***Improver_Next_Action="The next step in order to create change, is to assess which children’s rights areas are most important for your company. Then make sure that you have the right policies in place and that they are embedded into company practice, followed-up on through monitoring, transparent reporting and programmes to create action for children’s rights. This way you will become an achiever on children’s rights."

***Beginner_Salutation="You’re on your way!"
***Beginner_Text="Your company has developed and implemented some policies and practices that address your organization’s impact on children’s rights. Your company realizes that having policies in place and/or contributing to children’s rights through different initiatives is an important first step to show commitment."

***Beginner_Next_Action="The next step in order to create change, is to assess which children’s rights areas are most important for your company. Then make sure that you have the right policies in place and that they are embedded into company practice, followed-up on through monitoring, transparent reporting and programmes to create action for children’s rights. This way you will become an achiever on children’s rights."

***Overall_Score_Roadmap_Stage_Salutation=TEXT(IF((Overall_Score_Original> 7.550),Leader_Salutation,IF((Overall_Score_Original> 5.050) AND(Overall_Score_Original<= 7.549),Achiever_Salutation, IF((Overall_Score_Original> 2.550) AND(Overall_Score_Original<= 5.049),Improver_Salutation,IF((Overall_Score_Original> 0)AND(Overall_Score_Original <=2.549),Beginner_Salutation)))))

***Overall_Score_Roadmap_Stage_Text=TEXT(IF((Overall_Score_Original> 7.550),Leader_Text,IF((Overall_Score_Original> 5.050) AND(Overall_Score_Original<= 7.549),Achiever_Text, IF((Overall_Score_Original> 2.550) AND(Overall_Score_Original<= 5.049),Improver_Text,IF((Overall_Score_Original> 0)AND(Overall_Score_Original <=2.549),Beginner_Text)))))
  • copy the above formulas and paste it in dataset in advance editor



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