Participant Fields
  • 19 May 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Participant Fields

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Article Summary

List of Participant Fields


  1. Search : Find the specific participant field using search box.
  2. Add : Click on + icon to add a participant field.
  3. Edit : Click on edit icon to edit/modify participant field.

Add Participant Field


  1. Number : It is uniquely generated by the system.
  2. Code : Uniquely given by the user based on the name of the field.
  3. Display Text : Displays the field name on the participant page.
  4. Description : Gives some extra information about the field.
  5. Type : Define the type of the field whether it is a text(free text), dropdown, radio button(single selection).
  6. Options : Provide options that should be displayed in the field type for dropdown, radio button. Provide multiple options by seperating it using “|” pipe.
  7. Create : Click on create button to create new field.
  8. Cancel : Click on cancel button to cancel the creation of participant field.

Edit Participant Field


  1. Number : It is uniquely generated by the system.
  2. Code : Uniquely given by the user based on the name of the field.
  3. Display Text : Displays the field name on the participant page.
  4. Description : Gives some extra information about the field.
  5. Type : Define the type of the field whether it is a text(free text), dropdown, radio button(single selection).
  6. Options : Provide options that should be displayed in the field type for dropdown, radio button. Provide multiple options by seperating it using “|” pipe.
  7. Update : Click on update button after all changes have made to save changes of participant field.
  8. Delete : Click on delete button to delete specific participant field. You can only delete the participant fields if no data is present for any participant in that field.
  9. Cancel : Click on cancel button to cancel the creation of participant field.

Sorting participant field on Registration page

We can sort the participant field manually by giving the sort to any of the participant field by clicking on the edit button


After clicking on edit button it will redirect to another page like image below


In sort field we can add the sort number in which order the participant should be in registration page after adding sort number click on update button

After adding sort number for a participant we can check what is sort number for that participant field like image below


It will sort the participant field in registration in that order

Hiding participant field in registration page

When a client wants to hide any participant field in registration page then instead of deleting the participant field we can hide that participant field by clicking on edit button


After clicking on edit button it will redirect to another page like image below


By checking the checkbox for Hide On Registration Page and click on the update button it will hide that participant field in registration page. And also we can see what and all participant is hidden in the registration like image below


If it is Yes in Hide on Registration Page then that participant field is hidden on the registration page


Why manager cannot delete participant fields?


  • Above error occur if you try to delete any participant filed that has data filled in it, in Edit Participant .
  • Till the time data is present in that field, it cannot be deleted.

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