Pillar Bar Chart Card
  • 09 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Pillar Bar Chart Card

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Article summary

Filter By Pillar


In the Scorecard Container HTML replace <! -- Filter by Pillar in Pillar Bar chart --> with below snippet, update the version of the HTML file & upload the file to get the shown output.

<label>Filter by Pillars</label>
<chartjs-label-dropdown  [chartname]="'ScorecardName_Pillar_Bar_Chart'" [items]="['Pillar 1','Pillar 2','Pillar ...', 'Pillar n']"></chartjs-label-dropdown>

Add respective Pillar Name from the Source Data Sheet.
Note:- You can add all your Pillar Name separated by "," as shown above.

Bar Chart


In the Scorecard Container HTML replace <! -- Bar Chart in Pillar Bar chart --> with below snippet, update the version of the HTML file & upload the file to get the shown output.

<div chartjs [chartname]="'ScorecardName_Pillar_Bar_Chart'" ></div>

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