Rating Popup for NPS
  • 09 Oct 2024
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Rating Popup for NPS

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Article summary

NPS Feedback Popup for Admin Users


The NPS Feedback Popup is designed to collect valuable feedback from admin users. This popup will appear after 30 seconds of inactivity on the manager's screen, giving users the opportunity to share their rating and thoughts on their experience.

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NPS Feedback Popup for Admin Users
The NPS Feedback Popup is designed to collect valuable feedback from admin users. This popup will appear after 30 seconds of inactivity on the manager's screen, giving users the opportunity to share their rating and thoughts on their experience.


1.Initial Popup Display After logging in, the admin will see a popup like the one below. This appears 30 seconds after login, and users will be presented with the option to rate their experience.

Additionally, the user can choose to defer the question by selecting “Ask me later.” This option is available for the first three instances of the popup.

  1. Voluntary Feedback Question Once the admin submits a rating, a follow-up question will appear asking for additional feedback. This question is optional, and the user can either provide feedback or skip it. The question text is configurable and can be Changed using configNpsQuestion.


  1. Thank You Message After submitting feedback, the user will be presented with a “Thank you” message, as shown below.


Key Details

  • Admins have the option to defer the popup up to three times by selecting “Ask me later.” After deferring the popup three times, it will become mandatory the next time it appears, which will be after a one-day interval.
  • The voluntary question is optional and can be changed from config NpsQuestion

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