July 2021
  • 27 Jul 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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July 2021

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Article summary

New Features Added

Export Dataset to Cloud Storage (Versions: 3 / 4 / 4.5)

This will help our clients in case they want to schedule a weekly push the generated dataset to a cloud storage like Dropbox.


So using this screen you should be able to select the Dataset which you want to export. Currently we have preselected options for Frequency, Format and Cloud Stoarage (i.e. Dropbox)

Improving Page Load Performance(Versions: 4 / 4.5)

As Probench is progressing with more and more features, performance of the system has taken some hit. So we have now started taking steps towards getting it back to the best of its performance.

In this process I am happy to say that we have improved the Page Load times by 60% during this exercise. So now it might take longer only the first time you visit the page but post that pages will be loading quick quickly. We will continue to improve and keep you all posted. We are currently in process of releasing the update one client at a time.

Launched Probench Version 4.5

Probench version 4 which is in existance since 2016 is great but the release process with the version was a bit challenging and was getting difficult for us to provide the consistency with feature releases. We really want ourselves to provide more consistency and predictabilty with our releases and also all our clients should get an advantage of all the development we make to Probench.

The new version will save us a lot of time which inturn will allow more time to serve you all. Our vision is to take the newer version have great performance and robustness going forward.

We are currently in process of rolling the new version to each of our clients and it might take a couple of sprint by the time to move all of you to the updated version.


The newer version would only be available to the clients who are already on Version 4.

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