Self-Assessment Process
  • 16 Feb 2021
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Self-Assessment Process

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Article summary

Probench supports a complete self-assessment process where once the methodology is ready the complete process till the companies getting the feedback can be automated. Following image would give you a brief idea.

Self-Assessment Journey

Please find explanation for each of the above steps in details below:

Step 1: Prepare Methodology and List of Participating companies

This is the first step before getting into automating the assessment process. You should be ready with your questionnaire methodology and also be ready with the list of companies or participants going to be participating in the benchmarking or assessment process. Of course you can change it after configuration but there should be something to start with.

Step 2: Configuring Survey / Questionnaire

Once you are ready with the questionnaire its time to start configuring Probench as per your questionnarie and start to build the survey in Probench. To build the survey in Probench you will have to follow below mentioned steps:

  1. Manage Template - Here you will create the questionnaire structure.
  2. Manage Surveys - Here you will create a survey, assign the start and end date, assign the survey to the group of participants etc..

Step 3: Import and Invite Participants

In this step you can have to add the participants to Probench. So following are the 2 ways you can add participants:

  • Manage Participants - Using this Menu you can manually add 1 participant at a time or edit their details 1 at a time.
  • Import Participants - Using this menu you to import all the participants in bulk along with their additional details.

After adding the participants you can bulk invite them to be part of the assessment and provide their data or responses. You can use the following menu for the same.

  • Invite Participants - Using this screen you can filter and invite a group of participants or even a single participants

Step 4: Companies Register and Respond

Once the companies/participants are invited they would use the details in the email and follow the registration process to register themselves. Any number of users from the company can register into Probench.

Once registered and login to the system user can select the survey they would like to respond to from the Portal Page.

Step 5: Score Calculation

There are 2 ways my which scores gets calculated in Probench.

  1. Default Probench Scoring
    As part of this the scores are assigned to the questions in the survey template while creating the survey structure or at a later stage whenever the scores are ready. This way of scoring uses a Roll-up scoring methodology where score of a child node will decide the score of its parents depending on the weights assigned to each of the child questions.

Scores can be assigned or modified to the questions at any time during the process, it is not necessary to assign the scores upfront i.e. scores can also be assigned or modified after the companies submit their responses.

  1. Custom Scoring
    As the name suggests this scoring calculations can be completely customised based on your requirements. For this way of scoring we have to use Datasets use the datasets functions to do the necessary calculations.

Both Default scoring and Custom scoring can be used together to achieve the kind of scoring methodology you may have.

Step 6: Statistical Analysis

Once the responses are submitted by the participants and scoring is done you may want to do a benchamarking of scores to compare each of the participants and for the very purpose you would need to do Statistical Analysis like averaging the scores, ranking the participants, getting sector wise averages etc..

All this is necessary so that you can provide an appropriate feedback to the participants without revealing their peers. For doing eactly this you will have to use "Your Datasets" functionality to create various datasets.

Step 7: Prepare Feedback Report / Scorecard

Now that the data is collected and analysed the next step is to prepare a feedback to the participants. This feedback can be in the form of

Both the above are 2 different names of the same output. These scorecards would contains

  1. Companies own scores
  2. Averages (Sector, Industry, Country etc..)
  3. Section-wise scores & averages
  4. Ranks
  5. Star ratings
  6. Recommendations for future improvements
  7. Learnings

This helps companies to understand where they stand and provide enough motivation to participate and get value out of the process.

Step 8: Send Feedback Report / Scorecard

Once the feedback report / scorecard configured you can send and generate 100s of the these report 1 for each company on just click of a button. This will reduce your manual labour to a significant extent and also help you to be consistent.
This also makes a correction easy as you will only have to change it at once place and again a single button click will generate them all again.

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