Types of Users
  • 07 Feb 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Types of Users

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Article summary

This article will give you a heads up on the different types of Probench Users. There are broadly only 2 types of users as displayed in the tree structure below:

Frontend Users (Logins)

These are the users that would see the frontend of the Probench when they login to the system. These users would be able to login as a company's users and provide responses on behalf of the companies or participants.

They would see the Portal page from there they would be able to select the survey to which they would like to respond.


Probench can have any number of such users i.e. there is no restrictions on the number of users that can be registered for a single company.

Backend Users (Administrators)

These type of the users are also known as Probench Managers. These users have rights to perform all the administrative and configuration activities. They can Create Surveys, Create Participants & Invite them, Retrieve data, Configure Feedback Reports etc.. These type of users are divided into various roles displayed in the above image and described below:

  1. Administrator - Users with this role will be able to perform all the activities mentioned above on Probench.

  2. Response Managers - Users with this role will be impersonate themselves as all the participants and view, modify and respond on behalf of all the participants. Examples of these users are Analysts, Assessors, Reviewers, NGO's etc.. However they would not be able to do any other activities that can be performed by the Administrators

  3. Reporting Managers - Users with this role will be able to Create and Manage datasets, retrieve data submitted by the participants. These users would also be able to configure Feedback Reports and send it to the participants.

  4. Survey Managers - Users with these roles will be able to Create and Manage Surveys i.e. creating templates, surveys etc..

  5. Readonly Managers - Users with these roles can impersonate as participants and only view their data but would not able to add or modify any of their data.

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