View Progress
  • 17 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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View Progress

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Article summary


This screen basically holds all the information about the survey progress. You can check progress of participants who have started to fill this particular survey.

Progress List

Show progress.png

  1. Survey Title : This dropdown will contain all the list of surveys. You can select survey for viewing its progress from this dropdown.
  2. Participants : This column will contain name of participants who have started to fill survey selected in above dropdown.
  3. UnReviewed Responses : The count of comments given in that survey for particular participant/company.
  4. Progress: This column will show percentage of survey completed by this participant.
  5. Score : Score of participant for selected survey in percentage.
  6. Submitted : The exclamation icon with red color indicates that survey is not submitted and tick icon with green color indicated that survey is submitted by the particular participants/companies.


  1. Submitted Date : Date of submission of selected survey for particular participants/companies.
  2. Last Answered : The date on which participants has given last resposne to selected survey.
  3. Registred User Count : The count of logins/users associated with the participant/company.
  4. Login as this participant : Will allow administrators to login as the selected participant and see how the survey is being responded by that participant and also can see what that participant is seeing. Using this feature Managers can also respond to or submit the survey on behalf of that participant.
  5. View Responses : Will allow administrators to look responses given by particular participant for selected survey.
  6. Copy : Selecting this allow copy the records.
  7. CSV : Selecting this allow to download CSV file with all records default filename is Participant_list_(Current date)_(Current Time).CSV
  8. Excel : Selecting this allow to download excel file with all records default filename is Participant_list_(Current date)_(Current Time).XLS
  9. Column Visibility : Will allow administrator to hide/show columns on the View Progress screen.


  1. Search : Search existing participants by name or internal name or code.
  2. Filter the participant by admin region using config : ! FilterByAdminRegion_config

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