Ways to communicate results with companies
  • 30 Nov 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Ways to communicate results with companies

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Article Summary

In this article I will be covering multiple ways in which you can communicate companies results. This article is completely based what are the different ways our clients have done this in the past.

Instant Scorecard

As the name suggests as soon as the companies submit their responses we can generate the scorecard with the companies scores. This scorecard can have all the elements of the Preliminary scorecard.

This helps the companies to instantly get the feedback and start taking corrective actions immediately.


Instant scorecards are only possible if the scoring methodlogy and other elements to be displayed in the scorecards are finalised before the cycle starts

Preliminary Scorecard

This scorecard is similar to the instant scorecard the only difference is that they may not be generated instantly but after sometime has passed in the cycle. The reasons may be the scoring methodology is not finalised and is in discussion with various stake holders or some elements of the scorecards are yet to be finalised.

Please click here to see the content that can be included as part of the preliminary scorecard.

Email with Scorecard

This way of communication is most helpful in cases of Public Assessments where the analysts have already assessed the companies based on the publicly available data and inviting the companies to review the assessments and provide their comments to start an open conversation.

To attract the companies to start the meaning conversation sending their scorecards in the invitation emails would help them to quickly know their performance without any login or sign-up. In case of scorecard in PDF format it can be sent as an attachment and for digital web based scorecards we can send the links to the scorecards.

Scorecard link along with thankyou message

This mostly goes in tandem with Instant scorecard where as soon as the scorecard is generated we can redirect the users to Thank You page where we can show our gratitude to submit their responses and at the same time we can provide a direct link to their scorecard.

Final Scorecard

As the name suggests these are the scorecard that are shared with the participants of the assessment or benchmark after the complete assessment cycle or benchmark is concluded.

Which means at the time of the generation of this scorecard all the information / data is finalised and there is conclusion in place. To know what results you can share in this scorecard click here

Sector / Regional / Country Scorecard

As the name suggests this is one level higher than Final scorecard where the results are share for the complete sectors and regions or country which would enable companies to dig deep into the over benchmark performance and what they can learn from other sectors and companies in those sectors.

In this scorecards you can also share top performers and what they have done which can help other companies to reach to the next level.

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