Condition Builder
  • 04 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Condition Builder

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Article summary


This feature allows users to create conditions using questions in the template by providing an intuitive interface for specifying criteria.

To Turn on the Feature

Follow these steps to enable the feature:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Manage Features.
  2. Enable feature ShowConditionBuilder.

Once the feature is enabled, you can find the "Build Condition" button on Survey > Manage Templates > Edit screen.


On click of the "Build Condition" it will open popup window like below


  1. Select Question: Select the question that you want to include in the condition.
  2. Select Condition: Select the type of condition you want to create.
  3. Input Value: This textbox will only be visible when any option from 'Equal to', 'Not equal to', 'Greater than', or 'Less than' is selected in the 'Select Condition' dropdown.
  4. Add condition: This button will add more rows to create a condition.
  5. Remove condition: This button will remove added rows to create a condition and condition associated with it.
  6. Logical Operator dropdown: The logical operator dropdown allows you to specify how multiple conditions should be combined. Choose 'AND' to require all conditions to be met, or 'OR' to require any one of the conditions to be met. The selected logical operator will act as a separator between two conditions.
  7. Preview: This read-only text area will display a preview of the conditions created using the builder.
  8. Cancel: Click to discard any changes made.
  9. Save Changes: Click to save the condition to the template.

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