Evidence Library
  • 07 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • PDF

Evidence Library

  • PDF

Article summary

How to use Evidence Library

Evidence Library1.png

  1. File/Url source uploaded for current question.
  2. Remove uploaded source for current question.
  3. Edit Additional Information for uploaded file/url source.
  4. Search uploaded file/url source for current question.
  5. Enter valid url source for upload.
  6. Choose file source for upload.
  7. Filename is mandatory while uploading file/url source.
  8. Description is optional.
  9. Additional Information are optional.

Browse existing source

Evidence Library2.png

  1. File/Url source uploaded for any of the question in the survey rather then current question.
  2. Add to question adds source to current question.
  3. Search uploaded file/url source for any of the question in the survey rather then current question.

Adding an already uploaded evidence

Evidence Library3.png

If same file/url source is uploaded again then following screen will apprear.

Evidence Library4.png

  1. When clicked on YES then same file/url source will get uploaded again and duplicate record will be displayed on sources.
  2. When clicked on NO then system will cancel uploading duplicate file/url source.

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