  • 02 Sep 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Article summary


Logins are the real users who will use the Probench platform in order to give responses to a survey or multiple surveys. They can be representatives from the company (Participants) or can be an authorized team who fills the survey on the company’s behalf. A particular participant can have multiple logins or single login. Only active logins can access the platform and see survey for their participant.

Login List

  1. Show unconfirmed users? : Show the users who have not yet confirmed their account by clicking on the link sent to their email.
  2. Show inactive users? : Shows the user whose account is suspended.
  3. Show users requested new password? : Shows users who have requested for new password.
  4. Search: Search by First name, Last name, email or participant name.
  5. ADD: Click on add button to add new users.
  6. EDIT: Click on edit button to change settings of users.
  7. Active: Shows a toggle to activate/deactivate the user.
  8. Assign Multiple Participants: Click on this button to assign participants to login user
  9. Last Login Date:We've added the Last Login Date column to track successful logins by users from each company. If a user has logged in successfully, the date will be displayed; otherwise, the field will remain blank 

Add Login

  1. First name : Enter user’s first name.
  2. Last name : Enter user’s last name.
  3. Email : Enter user’s email id the email should be in proper format.
  4. Password : Enter the user’s new password. If StrictPasswordRequired is set to YES, the password must include at least one number, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one special character, with a length between MinimumPasswordLength and MaximumPasswordLength. If StrictPasswordRequired is set to NO, the password can be any combination (except all white spaces) with a length between MinimumPasswordLength and MaxPasswordLength .
  5. Password Criteria : This label when hovered ,displays the password criteria
  6. Confirm password : Enter the same password again.
  7. Confirmation key : It is generated by the system for user confirmation using their email.
  8. Confirmation URL : It is generated by the system and sent to user’s email id. User has to click on this link via email to confirm their registration.
  9. Forgotten Password key : It is generated by system on request by user for new password.
  10. Active? : Tick this checkbox to activate user account for use.
  11. Send Activation Email : This checkbox enables the manager to send email to this participant.
  12. Registration reference :
  13. Create : Click on create button to create new user after filling all the details.

Edit Login

  1. First name : Enter user’s first name.
  2. Last name : Enter user’s last name.
  3. Email : Enter user’s email id the email should be in proper format. 
  4. Password :Enter the user’s new password. If StrictPasswordRequired is set to YES, the password must include at least one number, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one special character, with a length between MinimumPasswordLength and MaximumPasswordLength. If StrictPasswordRequired is set to NO, the password can be any combination (except all white spaces) with a length between MinimumPasswordLength and MaxPasswordLength .
  5.  Password Criteria : This label when hovered ,displays the password criteria
  6. Confirm password : Enter the same password again.
  7. Forgotten Password key : It is generated by system on request by user for new password.
  8. Active? : Tick this checkbox to activate user account for use.
  9. Send Activation Email : This checkbox enables the manager to send email to this participant.
  10. Associated with : Select the participant from the drop-down list. So user is linked to the participant. Thus giving access to all surveys of participant.
  11. Registration reference :
  12. Update : Click on update button to save the changes.
  13. Delete : Click on delete button to delete user account.

Assign Multiple Participants


  1. Show Filter : Selecting this it will open Add Filter drop down box ,which contains different option to filter participant like Survey, Region,Participant State, Participant fields.
  2. Search : Search existing participants by name or internal name or code.
  3. Save Changes : Click on Save changes button allow us to assign/unassign participants.
  4. Checkbox : Click on checkbox allow to select all/deselect all participants.By default it shows status of participant whether its are assign user (checked) or unassign user (unchecked).

How to use Send Activation Email?

Procedure to use Send Activation Email

  1. You can use this feature when the user is active or while activating a user i.e: point 7 in Edit Login should be ticked.
  2. User account should be associated with a participant i.e: Select participant from point 9 in Edit Login .
  3. If any of the above condition is not fulfilled then you will get warnings. Why do I get a warning saying Activation email not sent?
  4. After you have fulfilled above conditions tick the tickbox of “Send Activation Email” and click on update button to send email to that participant.

Editing email content

  1. Go to Notes List and Search “_New Participant Associated Email” using point 2 and then click on point 4 .
  2. If you dont see that notes then tick point 1 in Notes List 
  3. In that you can edit/modify the email content.
  4. There are some fields which are written in curly brackets like “{first_name}”. They are the fields used to fetch user details.
  5. You can use the following fields to get other user data, these fields can be used anywhere inside the email content:

Why do I get a warning saying Activation email not sent?

When you get an warning similar to the one mentioned below when you activate a login.

  1. Above warning appears when you try to sent email to users but it’s account is not activated.
  2. To activate user account check point 7 in Edit Login.


  1. Above warning appears when you try to sent email to users ang it’s account is active, but it has not associated with any company/participant.
  2. To associate user with any company/participant, select company/participant from point 9 in Edit Login.

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