Manage Surveys
  • 23 Nov 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Manage Surveys

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Article summary


The Survey page is where surveys are created and managed. A survey links a template and region, setting it live for users to access. Without an active survey, a created template has no functional value. On this page, you can make the survey visible, set its start and end dates, and define the title displayed to users.


Ensure the following before creating a survey:

  • A saved template to base the survey on.
  • A created region with which to associate the survey.
  • All participants assigned to the same region as the survey.

Menu Navigation

Path: Survey → Manage Surveys

Survey List


Key Elements

  1. Show surveys without any regions?
    • Select this checkbox to display surveys in the list even if they aren’t associated with any region.
  2. Search
    • Search for existing surveys by title, start date, or end date.
  3. Create New Survey
    • Click to create a new survey.
  4. Edit
    • Modify settings for an existing survey.
  5. Custom Participants Deadline
    • Click to go to the participant list page for a specific survey. Here, you can edit the start and end dates for individual participants.
  6. Calculate Scores
    • Recalculate survey scores if any changes are made to the scoring settings of the associated template.
  7. Show Progress
    • Check the progress of all participants for a particular survey. This will take you to the View Progress screen with preselected survey
  8. Start : This shows the start date of that particular survey.
  9. End : This shows the end date of that particular survey. End date means after that date that particular survey will expire or close for the users. If the end date is not mentioned then that survey will never expire or close.
  10. Is Live : Shows that if the survey is active and its visible to users (represented by green tick icon) or inactive (represented by red exclamation icon). This will remain green only when the start date is appropriate and "Visible to survey users?" is clicked into Edit Survey Please check the below image for the same:


  1. Participants Submitted : This will show you the number of participants who have submitted that particular survey. Check the below image:


  1. Participants Started: This will show you how many participants has started that particular survey. Check the below image.


Creating a Survey


  1. Title
    • Enter the survey name, which will appear to users.
  2. Template
    • Select the template on which the survey is based.
  3. Start Date
    • Choose the date and time for the survey to begin. (Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH)
  4. End Date
    • Set the end date when the survey should close for users. If left blank, the survey remains open indefinitely.
  5. Don’t Close When End Date is Reached
    • Select this option if the survey should stay open even after the specified end date.
  6. Visible to Survey Users?
    • Select this option to make the survey live. Without selecting this, only administrators will see the survey when impersonating a participant.
  7. Web Page Name
    • The name displayed in the survey URL.
  8. Create
    • Click to create the survey with the entered details.
  9. Cancel
    • Return to the Survey List without saving changes.

Editing a Survey


  1. Title
    • Modify the survey title.
  2. Template
    • Select or change the template on which the survey is based.
  3. Start Date
    • Adjust the date the survey starts. (GMT-based)
  4. End Date
    • Modify the end date when the survey should expire for users. (GMT-based)
  5. Don’t Close When End Date is Reached
    • Keep the survey open past its end date if selected.
  6. Visible to Survey Users?
    • Make the survey visible to participants by selecting this option.
  7. Web Page Name
    • Adjust the name displayed in the survey URL.
  8. Mode
    • Choose whether the survey page remains open after a user clicks “Submit.”
  9. Requires Credit
    • Specify if the survey requires credit before it can be started.
  10. Email on Submit
    • Enter email addresses to receive submission notifications (separate multiple emails with a comma). If left blank, notifications are sent to all participants.
  11. Region
    • Select the region(s) associated with the survey, limiting visibility to participants within those regions.
  12. Locale
    • Enter the language code for the survey (e.g., “fr” for French, “jp” for Japanese). Leave blank for English-only surveys.
  13. Survey IDs to Prefill From
    • Specify a survey to prefill current responses from.
  14. Hide Survey
    • Tick this box to hide expired surveys from the New and Open tabs while keeping them in the Submitted tab.
  15. Update
    • Save all changes made to the survey.
  16. Delete
    • Permanently remove the survey and all associated data. Confirmation is required, and the associated template will remain unaffected.
  17. Cancel
    • Return to the Survey List without applying changes.


Why is my survey not visible to participants?

There could 2 different stage in survey cycle where the survey is not visible to participants, If you are setting the new survey or the survey was already visible.

In case of 1st scenario, when you are setting up a new survey

  1. For survey not visible could be that Visible to survey users? field is not ticked in Edit Survey Edit Survey page.
  2. There could be a possibility that the region of the survey is not same with your participant’s region. You can check field Region of Edit Survey Edit Survey page and Region field of Edit Participant Edit Participant page. Appropriate survey region should match with participant region.

In case of 2nd scenario, where the survey was already running.

  1. If survey is not visible to participants, it is possible that end date of the survey has already passed. You can check the end dates by going to Edit Survey and look for End on field.

Why don’t I get email when participant submit a survey?

You need to check if your email is mentioned in field Email on submit above Edit Survey. If it is not then please add it.

When configuring a survey instance, would you recommend we have the Locale set to “en” or left empty? What behavior is actually affected by the Locale setting?

If you have a survey which is going to be launched only in English then you can prefer to leave "Locale" field blank. If you have surveys to be launched in multiple languages then each of the survey including English should have a value in the Locale field based on the language of that survey.

What is the difference between the “Visible to survey users” and “Hide Survey” settings (other than their polarity) ?

Visible to survey users should be ticked when you want to make the survey live for the participants. Unless you select this box none of the participants except for administrators would see the survey. However once the survey is live and participants have submitted the survey, than submitted survey will always be displayed irrespective of this option is selected or not.

If you want to hide the survey after the submission then Hide Survey option should be ticked which would hide even the submitted surveys.

What is the use of "Add your specific text variations here:" and can we make any changes here reflect in template?

It is mainly used to have a different language and a different text variant of the template for that survey. Any changes made here would not be reflected in the actual template, the changes on this section will override the text on the template for the selected survey.

Some addition FAQ's

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