Portal Page (Home Page)
  • 19 Dec 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Portal Page (Home Page)

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Article summary

This is the first page that a participant user will see once they successfully login to Probench.

Survey & Reports Area


The "Survey Status" column will display one of four statuses for each survey: "New," "Open," "Submitted," or "Expired." Each status provides specific information to the user about the survey's current state:


  • Description: Displays every survey available in the system, regardless of its status.
  • Use Case: This is a comprehensive view, useful for those who need a full snapshot of all surveys. It’s beneficial for users who may want to track every survey's lifecycle, from creation to expiration.

1. NEW

  • Description: Marks surveys that have been recently created and haven’t been interacted with yet.
  • Use Case: Ideal for users looking for the latest surveys needing responses. This status helps prevent missing out on new opportunities and ensures fresh surveys are attended to promptly.


  • Description: Refers to surveys that are currently active and open for responses.
  • Use Case: This status is crucial for those focused on actively responding to or managing surveys that require immediate attention. Users can easily identify which surveys are still accepting submissions, making this a priority status for both respondents and administrators.


  • Description: Indicates surveys where the user has already provided responses.
  • Use Case: Useful for tracking completed work and avoiding duplicate submissions. It helps both participants and administrators monitor participation rates and response completions, contributing to data integrity.


  • Description: Shows surveys that have reached their end date and are no longer accepting responses, provided the "Don't close when end date is reached" option is not selected. If "Don't close when end date is reached" is selected, the survey will not appear under the Expired tab but will instead be visible in the Open or New tab, depending on its response status.
  • Configurable:The visibility of the Expired tab and expired surveys is configurable "ShowExpiredSurveys", allowing you to enable or disable it as needed. For more detailed information, please refer to this link. Configurable expired tab
  • Use Case: Allows users to see surveys and hide surveys using configuratation that have closed and are no longer available for submission. This is beneficial for tracking the status of all surveys, understanding deadlines, and archiving purposes.

Note: Expired survey will be visible and open for responses only if the following checkbox is ticked for that survey on Manage Survey.


Following is the recording of the Home page.

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