Schedule Dataset
  • 28 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Schedule Dataset

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Article summary

Schedule Dataset


This feature allows you to Generate/Export any dataset to any cloud storage account. As part of this functionality Administrators can Generate/Export a dataset every week. This functionality will Generate/Export the data in the dataset to a Dropbox Drive in a csv format. This will ensure that all the data is always available in our clients own Dropbox drive.

Schedule Dataset Screen

Dataset Schedule.png

1.Select Dataset: Select the dataset to generate/Export.

2.Select Frequency:Select the frequency. The available options are daily, weekly, or monthly.

3.Select the Format:To export the dataset, select the "CSV" format. If you want to generate the dataset without exporting, choose the "Blank" format.

4.Select the Cloud Service: If exporting the dataset, choose the service type (e.g., Dropbox). If generating the dataset without exporting, leave the service type as "Blank."

Note: If you wish to export the dataset, both the format and service type must be selected. If either the format or service type is selected while the other is left blank, an error message will be displayed.

5.Add to Scheduler:

  • After selecting the dataset, frequency, format, and service type, click the "Add to Scheduler" button. A popup will appear confirming your selections, stating: "Are you sure you want to generate/export 'dataset_name' every day at 2 am?"
  • If a job is already successfully generated or exported for a dataset and you attempt to generate/export it again, a popup will show the message: "Generate/Export job already exists."

6.Search: Use this feature to search for the datasets that have been generated or exported.

7.Status:If a dataset is exported according to the selected frequency (daily, weekly, or monthly), the status will display: "Dataset Export Completed."

8.If a dataset is generated according to the selected frequency without exporting, the status will display: "Dataset Generated Successfully."

9.If you select a locked dataset and click the "Add to Scheduler" button, it will not be generated. The status will display: "Dataset is Locked."

10.Error: If there is an error in your dataset, the error message "Error generating Dataset" will be shown in the "Error" column.

11.Action:To remove a generated or exported dataset entry, click the cross (X) button next to the dataset entry. This will remove the corresponding entry from the list.

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