  • 25 Nov 2024
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This article defines various terms used throughout the documentation. Please refer to it if you're unsure about any terminology.

Functional Terminology

  • Probench Backend
    This is the administrative section of Probench, used for configuring surveys, retrieving submitted data, and setting up feedback. Administrators can also use this area to manage users, invite participants, and more.

  • Probench Frontend
    This section of Probench is displayed to the platform’s end users/logins. In other words, this is the part of Probench accessible to participants, allowing them to submit their survey responses.

  • Participant
    These are the companies or individuals participating in survey or from whom we are collecting data. A participants page is available to manage them. Typically, multiple participants contribute to a survey.

  • Logins
    These are the actual users associated with a participant. They act as representatives, responding to surveys on behalf of the participants. Probench imposes no restrictions on the number of users who can register on behalf of a participant.

  • Templates
    It is the structured set of questions used in a survey. It consists of multiple pages, fields, and conditions. A single template can be linked to multiple surveys and can be copied, often for reusing surveys from previous years.

  • Survey
    Refers to the questionnaire created using the Template Manager.

  • Node
    The fundamental unit of every survey is a node, which determines the type of data that can be collected through your questions. In addition to standard fields (text, number, multiple choice, dropdown, and checkboxes), Probench offers premade structures for custom data types, such as table structures and other complex combinations.

  • Group
    It is a logical grouping that helps link participants with surveys, enabling the management of multiple surveys for different participants, including a participant enrolled in two surveys.

  • Administrators
    These are the representatives of organizations who conduct the survey. They manage surveys, templates, reports, and brochures. In short, they are Probench clients who use the platform to conduct multiple surveys for 100 to 1,000 participants worldwide.

  • Template Manager
    This refers to the page: Survey –> Manage Templates.

  • Datasets
    As the name suggests, it is a set of data. You can create any number of such datasets in the system. It primarily helps retrieve data stored in Probench formats like CSV, XLS, XML, and JSON. These datasets can have any number of columns and can also be used to perform calculations and validations for the data stored in Probench.

  • Fields
    These are mainly used in conjunction with datasets. Each dataset can have multiple fields. In datasets, each output (whether flat or computed) is called a field. You can also visualize a field as a column in the CSV or XLS output from the dataset, meaning each field corresponds to a column in the output.

  • Functions
    These are mainly used in conjunction with datasets. Probench offers over 50+ functions that can be used to:

  1. Retrieve data stored in Probench,
  2. Perform mathematical calculations,
  3. Perform statistical calculations such as averages, ranks, quartiles, etc.
  4. Perform logical operations, like using IF statements, similar to how you would in Excel spreadsheets.

Technical Terminology

  1. Live Server:It is the actual Server where the platform is hosted. When users enter the URL for the platform, it is accessible in their browsers. The primary users of this platform are participants and the team (our clients) who administer and run the surveys.The development team (73BIT) is advised not to make any changes or modifications to this platform, as the data available here is live. However, we have a '73BIT Test Company' to perform checks in case any issues or bugs are found on the platform.

  2. Stage Server: This is almost a replica of the live server in terms of functionality. However, the data is not replicated (or is partly replicated in some cases to test specific scenarios). The purpose of this server is for performance testing and verification without affecting the live data or causing any downtime on the live server. It provides a suitable environment to experiment with new features and ensure they work as expected.

Contact Us

In case some terms are not mentioned here and you have doubts please do not hesitate to drop an email to support@73bit.com

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